Flower Crown Workshop

October 22, 2017 @ 11:00AM — 2:00PM Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Create a Flower Crown for All Souls in this Hands-On Workshop!

Flower Crown Workshop image

There are currently no tickets available for this event, but you can still make a donation.


Learn how to create gorgeous flower crowns for your Procession costume! Supplies provided---though you are welcome to bring your own flowers, and if you have extra to share that would be great! These workshops are fundraisers for the All Souls Procession. Your $25 contribution will be fully matched via the workshop instructor! Scholarships Available. Email for details on how to apply.

Please bring at least one object with meaning for you to include in your crown. That might be a flower from your cousin's grave, your grandmother's earrings, lace from your wedding dress, ribbon from your brother's trophies, your nephew's toy car or plastic dinosaur--anything that has meaning for you and could be incorporated into a flower crown. You will be invited share the story behind your object with the other folks at your table.

Flower crown workshops are being held every Sunday in October! If you can't make this one, check our calendar for more options!